Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The Visconti Book of Hours Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Visconti Book of Hours - Essay ExampleIn addition, a turgid number of mistakes used to be included. Saying so, The Visconti Book of Hours does present a startling revelation of construct and structure. And its illuminated teachings make raise question on whether such manhooduscripts, by way of their rich internal representation can assistance us understand the important aspects of the readers response to a text, its contents and whether such manuscripts did help publishers cater to the concept of a wider market that profited out of the phenomenon of easy acceptability of the masses. If the liturgy used awful paintings to affect the readers mind instantly, then the printing press too, tried to imbibe such helpful aspects, further not after much later.The Visconti Hours is a 14th century book of hours. A Book of Hours is a compendium of devotional texts that takes its name from its one essential text, the Hours of the Virgin, or more properly the Little dominance of the Ble ssed Virgin Mary. It is called an Hours, or Horae in Latin, because it is subdivided into eight parts, one for each of the hours of the liturgical day - Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and compline. The manuscript actually divided was into ii separate volumes. They were the Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence, under the cataloguing numbers Banco Rari 397 and Landau Finaly 22. Illuminated by two quite different artists, Giovannino dei Grassi who painted the first folios for Giangaleazzo Visconti, despot of Milan., and after Giangaleazzos death in 1402 it was resumed by Belbello da Pavia for Giangaleazzos son, Filippo Maria, after he became Duke in 1412. Book of Hours refers to Giangaleazzo as Count and was supposedly written before his coronation in 1395. His concern for the acceptance of his authority is quite clear from the way he displays his heraldic devices and mottoes split the petitioner book made primarily for private use. In addition, Giangaleazzo himself i s represented three times on with the Duke of Berry, who also insisted on being portrayed in his Book of Hours. While Giangaleazzo does not appear in the prayer before the Virgin or a saint, his head alone is depicted in a medallion unrelated to the religious scenes. Judging from all these one ma conclude that the latent forces of secularity or a subtle contest between religious and the secular (Divine Right of the king) has come into play, which may be a new idiosyncrasy of the printing age of the Renaissance, when human values were coming to the fore and man was the centre of celebration.Between 1385 until 1402, Giangaleazzo devoted himself primarily to the expansion of his political power and his chief interest in sports like hunting wild animals, did not escape the autobiographical mention in the Visconti Hours too. Trained birds of pray populate the borders, while his profile is framed with a hunting dog and a stag in Folio 115, thereby bringing David the hunter from the psalm join the kings passion. From helping build a subroutine library of illuminated books in Palvia, he shared his love for nature and animals by serving as a patron of such illustrated manuscripts devoted to plants and animals, which did not escape his Visconti Hours too. Here we see a dedicated affair with religious teaching along with a worldly touch that bespeaks of an era where man
Monday, April 29, 2019
Account for the changing attitude of Federral Government to the issue Essay
Account for the changing attitude of Federral g everywheren handst activity to the issue of African-American Civil Rights in the period 1863-1965 - Essay ExampleLikewise, 1965 holds value because it is the year after the Civil Rights act was passed and the year the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed. The Emancipation Proclamation and the Voters Rights Act are spaced by virtually 100 years, during which time the Civil Rights Movement and the United States federal government overlap a very tumultuous relationship.In the 1850s and 60s Sojourner Truth played a pivotal part in bring together diverging groups within the Civil Rights movement, but it would be her historical sit down with chair Abraham Lincoln that would signify the start of a collaborative relationship between the movement and the United States federal government.At a womens rights convention in Akron, Ohio after women had chanted in opposition of Truth speaking, despite their disapproval she stood up and said, I could work as much and eat as much as a man ... and bear the lash as well And aint I a charr I wipe out borne thirteen children, and seen em most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mothers grief, none but the Nazarene heard me And aint I a woman (Joseph, 1990) Here Truths words came to define the role of the black woman in the feminist movement and exemplify the extreme direction of the cause. She identified the place of the woman in American society as equal to a mans. Later on in an Equal Rights radiation pattern in New York, she would go on to say, There is a great stir about colourize men getting their rights, but not a word about the colored women and if colored men get their rights, and not colored women theirs, you see the colored men will be masters over the women, and it will be just as bad as it was before. So I am for safekeeping the thing going while things are stirring because if we wait till it is still, it will take a great while to get it goin g again (Lewis, 1999). This attitude she had was a response to the political climate surrounding the Civil Rights activism during her era. It was divided between two groups, black men and white women, leaving no space for the plight of the black woman to protest for her rights. She was essentially a radical feminist because she was a key activist in some(prenominal) the Feminist and the Abolitionist movements, but she denounced the need for male region in the drive towards equal rights with statements like, Where did your Christ come from From God and a woman Man had zero point to do with Him (Lewis, 1999) If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the human beings up array down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them (Lewis, 1999). Likewise, her book The narration of Sojourner Truth, published in 1850 chronicled her life and became used as a powerf ul doctrine to persuade readers to tolerate abolishing slavery for both male and female blacks, making a prominent figure in both movements. The money she received from the book also provided Truth with the money needed to buy a signaling in Florence Massachusetts, which was unheard of for a former slave. The success of the novel also established her as a respected public speaker known for her insight and wit. This insight she became known for also led her to be the first activist to connect the rights of slaves and blacks with the womans movement. This was a connection that was met with much resistance by traditional adjudge Feminists. PoliticsIt was the Inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln on March 4th, 1961 that would mark the beginning of the United States Federal governments involvement with the Civil Rights
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Revenue Policy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
tax indemnity - Coursework faceGovernment budgets are usually limited by the amount of revenue obtained from various sources such as taxes among others, thus the need to tie expenditures close to community of interests needs and goals.Aligning revenue policy with community determine ensures that revenue is expended on the most urgent needs of the society. It ensures that development activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the community. According to Morgan, Robinson, Strachota & Hough, jam (2014), administrators in public office should recognize and honor community calls for government response and services (P. 216). Revenue policy aligned with community determine enable the government to focus on the preferences of citizens and focus more(prenominal) on how to provide the community with what the citizens want most (Moryl, 2010). Revenue policy alignment with community values also ensure that appropriate tax policies are implemented, taking different economic backgroun ds of citizens (Devas, Blore & Slater, 2012). As such, it is meaningful to align revenue policy with the values of the society in order to ensure that the preferences of the citizens are met and that the boilersuit development objectives and activities to further such objectives are adequately funded. Aligning revenue policy with community values enables the government to focus on the overall welfare of the community.Moryl, R.L. (2010). Alignment of community preferences, Economic Development Goals and Policy Considering Economic Development Goals, their Expression and Their Execution in Economically Struggling Communities. Retrieved on November 30, 2014 from
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Health care career that may experience a lot of turnover and has Essay
Health c are career that may induce a lot of turnover and has difficutly retaining people - Essay ExampleOn further investigation it was install that the physicians offices saw the longest tenure of 1.57 years compared to only 0.97 years in the nursing care facilities. difficulty plaqued by prevails in the antic was the major reason given by them. When nurses were asked about the issues they face in their jobs, they gave several reasons but some of the prominent ones were lack of advancement opportunities, work overload, poor salary, withal few staff, and poor presidential termal culture. Lack of training, poor fit with boss, and not enough access to technology were also some of the other reasons mentioned by them.Work load and too few staff are the issues that are greatly related and can be addressed by recruiting adequate staff, as a long term solution, so that nurses do not have to borne undue pressures that eventually cause prune out and force them to leave the organiza tion. Recruiting sufficient nurses would automatically lessen the workload on each nurse to a reasonable level improving working environment substantially.Regarding the other issues raised by the nurses, the organization needs to have an effective retention policy at gravel. Motivation and the recognition are the deuce primary pillars of any retention policy. McConnell (2010) argues that an effective reward system must be in place so that nurses feel motivated. Even suitable incentive schemes must be launched to recognize the costly job done by them. From the behavioral view point, nurses must be rewarded suitably when the patients appreciate and give them good feedback at the time of their discharge. Reward system and recognition cannot replace the generous pay scale indispensable to retain the good and efficient nurse nevertheless, they work like a great motivator for the nurses. It is infallible that the supervisor or manager looks at the issue in its entirety so as to slip by the root causes that are behind high turnover of the
Friday, April 26, 2019
Single mothers and children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Single gets and children - Essay ExampleThe roofless women and their families atomic number 18 exposed to deplorable living standards that sometimes may be described as inhumane and dishonourable of human habitation. Polakow, in her book, succinctly captures this view when she says that, This necessitates the decoding of our own myths of democracy and enlightened progress as one out of four infants, one out of five children, and one out of four one mothers already live in destitution, and as thousands more stand on the edge of a landscape that condemns, like young Oliver Twists, to their proper stations (Polakow, 1994, pp. 3-4). The question that then presents itself is why single mothers and children?The population of stateless women continues to rise every year, particularly the number of single homeless women. many another(prenominal) scholars have been quick to spirit level out that the rising numbers of homeless single women represents the feminization of poverty across the globe (Rosenheck, Bassuk, and Salomon, 2010, p. 1). Many of the exceptionally destitute women have limited, job skills, earning power and education, and are beleaguered by childcare duties. In families where the fair sex is the head of the family, it is quite common to find that they are poorer than two-parent families because of the existence of a single income and the cost of obstetrical delivery up a child. These facts only serve to prove that poor women do not have a chance in the contemporary labor market, which is primarily planned to support two-parent families with male breadwinners (Rosenheck, Bassuk, & Salomon, 2010, p.1). This leaves the single mother with no option but to seek additional income, failure of which results in the inability to ply. This ultimately has the install of forcing such women to seek accommodations in shelters resulting to an increase in the number of homeless people.The increasing numbers of homeless children may be directed attributed to child abandonment either by parents who cannot be able to provide for their needs, or by death
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Abstract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Abstract - Essay ExampleModern management will withstand to adapt to the challenges of the present as well as the future, according to change brought in by speedily evolving technologies such as the internet. The conventions and rules created by theorists back in the 20th century, although redundant and inefficient, still continue to hold the management strategies of almost all business organizations. Hamel asserts that management is now out of date because there defecate been no great breakthroughs in management practices that have revolutionary impact on business.It is not the operating(a) or the business model but its management model that limits the performance of a business. Innovation in management practices has the potential of generating long-term advantages for a business. Thus, it is concluded that business organizations have to rework their management practices in line with the changing demands of the 21st century and with the current technological and economic
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Exam paper---read the requirement I send you carefully Essay - 3
Exam paper---read the requirement I drive you carefully - Essay ExampleDue to plusd contender in a entire market, the negociate power of the consumers is very high. The market trends are thus required to be followed by the companies in a market that is perfectly competitive. The price of products and services in a monopoly market is de conditionined by the hit player which also takes the government regulations into account. The products in a perfect market could not be place as the products could replace each other. The products in a monopoly market could be differentiated and it is not come-at-able to replace the products in a monopoly market. Response of a perfect market to changes in consumer acquire A perfect market is a market that has the highest competition and is less concentrated. This means that the market is driven by a number of competitors which increases the level of competition for delivering products and services to the customers. The changes in the train an d its effects on the changes in price in a perfect market have been explained as follows. In a perfect market, the demand curve is perfectly elastic. This means that any further change in price testament result in demand falling to zero (Mankiw, 2011, p.37). Thus a perfect market is equal by a horizontal demand line with the benchmark price remaining constant for the amount demanded. ... Such an ideal condition is difficult to obtain under practical conditions. For a change in the consumer demand in a perfect market, the response of the market could be explained in the mulct term period as well as the pertinacious term period. In the short term period, a rise in the demand level of the products against the habitual supply will increase the price of the products and services. The increase in demand over a short term period is represented by the immature line over the dotted line. A rise in price of the products and services over the prevailing cost would provide the companies with economic profits (Hall andLieberman, 2007, p.108). The rise in the economic profits of the business would be supported by the revenues earned from the market. This is well supported by the economic theory of supply and demand and is explained by the graphical representation given below. MC and ATC are the marginal cost and the average respectively, P is the price which exceeds the cost as a revenue driver. An example of the demand of coffee in a perfect market could be used to explain the market response. A rise in demand of coffee in the market against the prevailing supply would force the coffee firms to raise the prices which would provide them short term economic profits which are, however, not sustainable in the long run as the competition level would tend to bring down the prices very soon. The response of a perfect in the long run with the changes in demand level is explained by the graphical representation given below. With time, the number of firms in the market would increase as there in minimal barrier to entry and also in order to tap the market opportunity. Thus with the increase in supply, the demand line would
Nutrition (any title that you will choose Essay
viands (any title that you will choose - try ExampleIt is undeniable that the organisation cares substantially about public provisions and economics related to this aspect. Technically, nutrition refers to the science of food materials, and the role of food substances in a human body. Nutrition is not lone(prenominal) concerned with food consumption but also revolves around understanding utilization of food subject field within the body (Arlene 56). Areas of interest include the role of nutrients in health, and identification of diseases and medical problems resulting from dietary factors. This experiment seeks to examine the relationship between nutrition and economics, especially from a governmental perspective.As mentioned earlier, nutrition has a close link with health aspects of diseases. Conventionally, natescer is associated with smoking of cigarette and use of unsaturated fats in fry foods. In addition, obesity derives its roots from excess intake of calories, and ca n lead to medical complications like cheek attack. Clinically, fruits and vegetables tends of extend individuals lives by approximately 5 years. Based on these facts, one can appreciate the fact that dietary patterns can either cause diseases or promote health improvement. Nutrition maintains health by preventing diseases. In fact good nutrition can reduce the increasing finis rate associated with cancer and heath attack. Despite having great benefits, all members of the public will not neutralize fruits as a means of deterring nutrition related diseases. This means that there are numerous factors impact nutrition. Common factors include economics, especially the aspect of income levels, politics and sociology among others.In developed countries like Canada, duties of the national government include responding to matters of public health. The government formulates health policies and implements intervention programs during public health emergencies. Economically, the government pays for treatment be of its citizens,
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Quantitative Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Quantitative Methods - Assignment ExampleIn this problem, where what influences the prices of a second hand car is dogged confounding variables could be colour, style, fuel, mot and condition. The main dependable variables could be the age, gas mileage and engine size. There ar two methods to manage confounding, by analysis and design (Gravetter and Forzano 2012). By design comprises inclusion, randomization and exclusion determining(prenominal) factors by analysis comprises stratified and matched testing. Matching is more proficient to control confounding when the sample set is small. In this case, Inflation could be an unwanted factor that affects prices and it is hard to avoid (Richardson 2011).Y denotes dependent variable, indicating a quantity that differs from entity throughout the sample, and is the key focus of interest. X1... Xk atomic number 18 independent variables, which also differ from various entities, and are contemplated to be correlated with Y. Lastly, is the residual expression, which denotes the composite impact of all other kinds of individual variances not explicitly recognized in the model (Black 2012). In this regression, looking at age alone, it raisenot provide explain frequently explanation though it shows correlation of second hand cars prices dependency (Richardson 2011).Looking at mileage only, it can explain more of the observed car prices variation in buying and selling costs. However, variations in mileage and age jointly can explain a bigger percentage of the variation in prices. The terra firma they can clarify more jointly than the computation of what they can elucidate individually is that mileage masquerades the strength of age in this data set. When both are incorporated in the regression model, the impact of mileage is alienated from the impact of age, and the latter impact then is observed (Richardson 2011).In business, to be competitive, there mustiness be a design quality into processes and products. Busine ss must allow a process of
Monday, April 22, 2019
Real estate debt markets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Real kingdom debt markets - Assignment ExampleThe original plan of the buyers was to refurbish and add more size to the building switch over it in a building with several places of renting. For this property, potential investors acted first to buy it which today is 26% let. in that respect is a cash flow excel sheet showing a holding period of 5 years starting with an investment of $76 million the first year of purchasing the property and devising inst all in allments of about $ 67,000 annually. The loan plan used in pricing in relation to the document is in installments as the building is too expensive to barter for a block the first time. The point present is that, there are to be small premiums. These premiums are about the size that the banks want to buy the property. The heart loan amount is $17,230,802 in coordinate to purchase the building with a maturity date of 30/11/2014. The interest was at three months with 350 bps. The maximum price to get the loan is $17,230,802 . In order to get the $76 needed, the will have to installments made to purchase the building. The strategy employed is that of getting all the investors to on the investors committee to understand the value of buying the mezzanine loans, as this would help the investors to purchase the building. The building should have returns to give encouragement to the lenders, Danske.The project had several recommendations and conclusions such always waiting for the indemnify time in order to get the loans among the others. In addition, the purchase of the loan itself is to under installment swear out and not paying at once. The investors should participate by doing a fact-finding survey of the property and loans to overhear if they are worth undertaking. The final decision on taking the loan is on principle of dividing line and investment as whether to make such a mega loan. The property needs evaluations to see if it is in the metre class. Such a type attracts quality tenants. The
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Joseph G. Mccoy Historic Steches of the Cattle Trade of the West and Article
Joseph G. Mccoy historical Steches of the Cattle Trade of the westbound and S step forwardhWest 1874 - Article ExampleThe cause aptly refers to Red river and northern states, which endorses the fact that McCoy encourages the Texans to take the herds from Texas to Abilene, Kansas. 2. art object taking the history of the document under-examination into account, it becomes evident that the creator appears to be discussing the herds trade phenomenon as well as social portion during the days of civil war that had captured the USA during mid 1860s. In addition to this, the circumstances discussed in the document in addition ratify the situation of unrest and chaos in various states of America. Furthermore, McCoy has in addition cited the years 1866 and 1867 while creating the article. Nevertheless, the article was written in 1874, almost six to seven years afterwards the incident had taken place. Making such a long delay while creating the article may arise some doubts regarding its validity. Somehow, the original date of the happening of the circumstances would certainly be few years before the document was produced. Consequently, the writer would surely be collecting the memories of the years between 1868 and 1870. So, the event discussed in the document would have taken place by 1868-70. 3. In the document under-study, McCoy has elucidated the problems faced by the kine owners during and after the American Civil War era. These issues include the carrying of the cows from one area to the remote regions of the bulky country, dealing with the customers belonging to divergent states, bargaining problems while selling the cattle, deceit and frauds inflicted upon them by the swindlers, contagious diseases the cattle caught and price issues while entering into deals with the buyers. Moreover, McCoy has also described the physical dangers observed by the drovers including the life risks as well as of getting attacked or robbed during their long and dreary jo urney with the aim of selling the animals. Hence, the author has skillfully elaborated various challenges the longhorn dealers had to undergo during late 1860s. 4. The document under the title Historic Sketches of the Cattle Trade of the West and Southwest narrates in third person the developments and challenges related to the herds owners, entrepreneurs, traders, ranchers and dealers while carrying and chemise the cattle from one state to the others by applying different methods, manners and sources of communications according to their resources and financial positions. The author has cited the names of various cities and states related to the herd trade, which include Texas, Chicago, Illinois, Quincy, Hades, Leavenworth, Kansas and Abilene. The description of the chronicle of events in such in-depth enlarge endorses the concept that either McCoy had directly been involved in the cattle trade as an entrepreneur, or had kept and owned the longhorn herds by himself. Furthermore, h aving well informed with regards to the prices, number and affairs of the cattle proves him as a full time cattle entrepreneur. 5. It is a fact beyond suspicion that writers, poets, philosophers and intellectuals serve as the wizardry of society, who by dint of their thoughtfulness, guide the other members of society by showing the right path and by pointing out the evils and problems prevailing within some particular area, region or community. The same is also applied to McCoy, who has also elucidated the challenges that used to arise on the way of
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Classroom management Plan II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Classroom management Plan II - Essay ExampleThis process would yield an individual to confront their inner realities as well as their outer manifestations of actions or behaviors. Both strengths and jerry-builtnesses forget be identified. As a result it would be easier for you to put strategies in place to improve your weak beas. An immediate response to this analysis should be to make a refer of all the tasks that be to be completed. Itemize the important tasks, the urgent tasks and the routine tasks. Prioritize these responsibilities, generate a daily to do list and correct a time limit for completion.An effective method for managing ones time is to set realistic finishs. As a student, one can quickly become overwhelmed by the heavy workload. It is needed then to set sensible name and addresss for what you would like to achieve within a specific day, week and month. Hence, if you are given seven assignments to complete for the same day, it would be impractical to set a g oal of researching the seven assignments by the day after the assignments were given. Instead of researching all at once, a more pragmatic goal would be to complete the research of one assignment at a time. The time of completion would wee to be staggered in order to ensure quality work is produced. Therefore setting a goal of completing one assignment 3 days before due date and another 2 days before would be a more realistic and sensible goal. Remember to reward yourself for achieving your goals.This troika strategy is a direct link to the previous two in that after the analysis and the goals are set the next step is to formulate a schedule for achieving these goals. Hence, each goal should have its point time period for fulfillment. A schedule allows you to view the various task at a shine and aids you in maintaining the time period you have allocated. A specific time period should be assigned each day to accomplish a certain task. Thus, for the previous example of the seven a ssignments, a good practice would be to
Friday, April 19, 2019
Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
saving - Essay ExampleThis was positive news for the miserliness of UK besides the policy makers have struggled to register stock-still modest pace of progress of the countrys economy. The government of UK has however faced lot of rebuke from the people because of policy measures on austerity after it took office in 2010. Since the time the government of UK has trim back their spending, the economy of the country has become stagnant. This has been fuelled by the effects of recession. As compared to the outlive fiscal, the economy of the country has vainglorious by a meager 0.3% in the first quarter of the current year. The last quarter of 2012 registered a lean growth of 0.3%. This showed that the economical depression in UK has been prevailing since the last year and is still go on in 2012. According to the director of fixed income at Scotia Bank, Alan Clarke, the GDP growth rate of the country has been 1.2% for the last year. The slight increase in the economic growth ra te is a sign of relief for the UK exchequer but the challenge of reviving the economy still looms large over the policymakers. One of the major paygrade agencies, the Fitch Ratings emerged as the second major ratings agency to dismiss UK from its triple A credit ratings. The economy of UK saw unemployment aims rising in the month of February and the wages of labor also declined to minimum levels. The International monetary Fund who were once a major proponent of the austerity measures of the governments commented that UK should consider to reduce government spending on the back of weak economic progress of the country. The British political administration headed by the anchor Minister commented that they would continue with the austerity policies in order to avoid the fate of Greece and other members of the atomic number 63an conglutination (Dow Jones & Company, 2013, p.1). The British administration still believes that it might take longer than expected for the economy to recov er but the slightest progress in the first quarter of 2013 indicated that the economy is healing. There are no easy solutions for economic recovery from the situation of crisis built over the years. This is evident from the worldwide economic slowdowns in countries like US, Germany, China, and so forth Analysis of the article and identification of linkage with the economic concepts The rime of Golden age in Europe and US saw the major economies of the world like UK passing through a phase of reconstructive memory and government policies on increased expenditure in order to boost the aggregate demand in the economy. This created increase in the flow of money in the economy of the countries like UK. This policy adopted by the policy makers could be linked with the economic theory proposed by the British economist, Keynes. The Keynesian theory of political economy explained that an expenditure of one member in the economy leads to the income of another member. The rise in income level of the creation led to the increase in aggregate demand which was supported by increase in yield and increase in fiscal deficits of the government (Mankiw, 2011, p.39). In the later stages the increase in liquidity level beyond limit and excessive savings led to decrease in investments and fall of production levels. This caused pretentiousness
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Human Karyotyping (Biology) Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Karyotyping (Biology) - Lab Report ExampleAny deviation in the public pattern could be ruled out as a change that affects health and development of the individual. It is seeming(a) that human cells norm wholey contain 23 pairs of chromosomes.Hypothesis If there is an increase or decrease in the number of chromosomes, the touch is called aneuploidy it directly affects the development of the organism. These changes occur as a result of non disjunction of chromosomes during the process of meiosis. As a result one of the daughter cells receives either extra or insufficient chromosomes.Variables The putting surface form of aneuploidy is trisomy, which implies the presence of three copies of the chromosome in cells in place of normal two copies. In Klinefelters Syndrome where the sex chromosome is present in extra copy resulting in XXY, where as if the trisomy occurs in autosome desire in the case of Down Syndrome trisomy of 21st chromosome occur and if this trisomy occur in 13t h chromosome so it results in Trisomy 13 Syndrome resulting in cell with 47 chromosomes instead of usual 46.Methods Cut the homologous chromosomes. Arrange then on construction paper in descending order of their size. Glue them when arranged as in the figure A. any additional chromosome is found match with its homologue to find out which chromosome is having additional copy. Arrange all the pairs of chromosomes with shorter end towards top and longer one towards the bottom. Mark them with the marker pen rule out the contagious condition of the Karyotype.Raw data chromosomes condense during the process of cell division and are therefore microscopic under light microscope. In Karyotype cells are stained with Giemsa dye. Dark and light band pattern is observed.metacentric chromosomes have kinetochore in the center or near the central part of the chromosome. Acrocentric the centromere is near the end of the chromosome. Telocentric centromere is terminally located.Chromosomes
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
McDonalds customer service and training model Essay
McDonalds customer service and training model - Essay ExampleMcDonalds have become the power saw of fast food industry in the world today. The comp any(prenominal) began in 1940 with a eating place assailable by siblings Dick and Mac McDonald, but it was their introduction of the Speedee Service System in 1948 that established the principles of the fast-food restaurant. http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald%27s_Corporationunalike usual restaurants, fast food joints have their own pertinent and unbreakable rules. These rules and policies atomic number 18 usually make by the top management and are interpreted and enforced by the Store Manager. Like any other chain businesses, McDonalds too are centrally managed. All the policies and rules are made centrally and the branches and franchises are simply expected to follow them. The least requirement of fast food business is that it has to maintain in truth high level of service and efficiency throughout to every customer and it should b e of unquestionable quality. In addition, cleanliness and safety standards are exceptionally important. Fast food joints manage this through proactive floor function. delay of all decisions are made by the centre of the organisation, and most of the decisions are foreseen, expected and already clarified. there are a certain differences between the regular res... More stringent and immediate financial control is maintained over the fast foods as money moves fast in these joints owing to brisk business. It is as well true that careful and meticulous control at the spot is impossible in places like McDonalds and as such(prenominal), accounting should be frequent. They cannot afford to wait for the monthly balance sheet. Profit and loss are controlled by accurate inventory aided by the frequent statistical reports and many other systems like lodge of replenishments on time and much in advance, manpower scheduling for the entire month and sticking to it, and pressing building mainten ance, maintenance of supporting machinery, including that could be necessary at a later date. The entire conceit of fast foods is that of a man in a hurry as they are catering to men in proverbial hurry. So, equal forethought and time slots are allotted to administrative work, documentation, recruitee training, wage reviews, performance reviews and disciplinary actions and awards, pecuniary or otherwise. Efficiency is linked with the increase in the pace of life, according to Ritzer. It is beneficial for consumers and workers both, as much customers get served and profits are increased. But as is the case with rationalization in general, and each of its dimensions, irrationalities such as surprising inefficiencies and the dehumanisation of workers and customers, emerge from the drive for increased efficiency, (Ritzer, 2000, p.40). According to him, fast food restaurant has helped turn efficiency into an increasingly universal reality. Ritzer argues that because of the fastness of the food, the emphasis on quantity tends to affect adversely the quality of both the process and the result. For customers eating on the run
Justice or moral uprightness of human soul according to Plato Essay
Justice or moral uprightness of forgiving soul accord to Plato - Essay ExampleConversely, Plato (through Socrates) makes the contention that rightness and morality are non socially constructed entities, but alternatively exist objectively. In this instance, humans should adhere to legal expert and morality regardless of the consequences. This essay considers these points in similarity to the Republic and presents my own position on the debate. From the really opening of the Republic Plato sets about establishing the notion of justice and considering why it should be followed. One of the first aspects that are addressed in terms of justice concerns its very nature. In Book I Cephalus argues that justice constitutes following the laws and legal regulations that are established. Socrates refutes this claim arguing sort of that while it would be legal to supply a madman with a weapon that you had taken from him, it would not be morally just as this could cause problems. A series of arguments regarding the nature of justice wherefore occur, wherein an soul raises a socially constructed aspect of justice that is then refuted by Socrates in various ways. For instance, Thrasymachus argues that justice doesnt exist, but is merely the demonstration of the stronger person or entitys will.... Even if i were to register as much, its clear that the individuals in the society embrace their concept of justice. In these regards, it appears that in super part Socrates does not go far enough in considering the culturally conditi angiotensin converting enzymed aspects of justice, such as religion, or other socially constructed elements. In Book II of the Republic the consideration of justice is continued. At the beginning of this chapter justice is presented as a socially constructed aspect of society that must exist because of human wrongdoings. One notes that this under meeting is contrary to Socrates previous presentation of justice as it reflects an understanding of justice that is only when followed because it is advantageous for humans to do so. Within this mode of understanding, Glaucon proposes a story of a ring. He states, surmise now that there were two such magic rings, and the just put on one of them and the unfair the other,no man can be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice. No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison (Plato). In this scenario the ring would allow the individual to avoid punishment for being unjust. While Socrates later makes efforts to refute this theory, in large part one notes that a significant segment of society understands justice within this form of social contract. One as well as considers the earlier argument that justice is in large-part determined by the dominant party. In light of the new democratic structure o f contemporary society and the means of establishing justice through
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Planned Approach to Change Essay Example for Free
aforethought(ip) Approach to throw over EssayThe playact of Kurt Lewin dominated the hypothesis and practice of salmagundi management for over 40 years. However, in the past 20 years, Lewins come on to transmit, particularly the 3-Step assume, has attracted be double-dealingve criticisms. The key ones are that his ca-ca assumed brass sections operate in a stable act as up was altogether suitable for sm either-scale change projelectroconvulsive therapys ignored organizational power and politics and was top- go across and management-driven. This article seeks to re-appraise Lewins work and challenge the validity of these views. It begins by describing Lewins background and beliefs, especially his commitment to resolving kindly mulctict. The article past moves on to examine the main elements of his Planned approach to change knit Theory Group Dynamics Action explore and the 3-Step model. This is followed by a brief summary of the study developments in the eld o f organizational change since Lewins death which, in turn, leads to an examination of the main criticisms levelled at Lewins work. The article pilfercludes by arguing that kinda than being outdated or redundant, Lewins approach is still relevant to the modern world.INTRODUCTIONFreud the clinician and Lewin the experimentalist these are the two men whose names will endure out before all others in the history of our psychological era.The above quotation is riden from Edward C Tolmans memorial address for Kurt Lewin delivered at the 1947 Convention of the American Psychological Association (quoted in Marrow, 1969, p. ix). To many an(prenominal) people at amaze it will seem strange that Lewin should have been given equal status with Freud. some(a) 50 years after his death, Lewin is now mainly remembered as the originator of the 3-Step model of changeUSA. cover for reprints Bernard Burnes, Manchester School of Management, UMIST, Manchester M60 1QD, UK (emailprotected).dismissed a s outdated (Burnes, 2000 Dawson, 1994 scratch line and Goldberg, 1999 Hatch, 1997 Kanter et al., 1992 Marshak, 1993). Yet, as this article will argue, his contri neverthelession to our catch of psyche and classify behaviour and the role these play in organizations and society was enormous and is still relevant. In todays turbulent and changing world, one might expect Lewins pioneering work on change to be seized upon with gratitude, especially given the high failure rate of many change programmes (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001 Kearney, 1989 Kotter, 1996 Stickland, 1998 Waclawski, 2002 Wastell et al., 1994 Watcher, 1993 Whyte and Watcher, 1992 Zairi et al., 1994).Unfortunately, his commitment to extending egalitarian determine in society and his work on scope Theory, Group Dynamics and Action query which, together with his 3-Step model, formed an inter-linked, elaborate and robust approach to Planned change, have received less(prenominal) and less attention (Ash, 1992 Bargal et al., 1992 Cooke, 1999). Indeed, from the 1980s, even Lewins work on change was increasingly criticized as relevant wholly to undersized-scale changes in stable conditions, and for ignoring issues such as organizational politics and conict. In its place, deliverrs desire to promote a view of change as being constant, and as a political butt on within organizations (Dawson, 1994 Pettigrew et al., 1992 Wilson, 1992).The purpose of this article is to re-appraise Lewin and his work.. The article begins by describing Lewins background, especially the origins of his commitment to resolving complaisant conict. It then moves on to examine the main elements of his Planned approach to change. This is followed by a definition of developments in the eld of organizational change since Lewins death, and an evaluation of the criticisms levelled against his work. The article concludes by arguing that rather than being outdated, Lewins Planned approach is still very relevant to the needs of the modern world.LEWINS BACKGROUNDFew social scientists can have received the level of praise and admirationthat has been heaped upon Kurt Lewin (Ash, 1992 Bargal et al., 1992 Dent and Goldberg, 1999 Dickens and Watkins, 1999 Tobach, 1994). As Edgar Schein (1988, p. 239) enthusiastically commentedThere is little question that the intellectual father of contemporary theories of employ behavioural science, action look and planned change is Kurt Lewin. His seminal work on leadership way and the experiments on planned change which took place in creation War II in an confinement to change consumer behaviour launched a whole generation of research in multitude dynamics and the murder of change programs. 978 B. Burnes Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004For most of his life, Lewins main preoccupation was the resolution of social con- ict and, in particular, the problems of minority or disadvantaged meetings. Underpinning this preoccupation was a strong belief that merely the permeatio n of democratic determine into all facets of society could prevent the worst extremes of social conict. As his wife wrote in the predate to a volume of his collected work published after his deathKurt Lewin was so constantly and predominantly preoccupied with the task of advancing the c erstwhileptual representation of the social-psychological world, and at the same time he was so lled with the urgent desire to use his theoretical insight for the building of a better world, that it is difcult to adjudicate which of these two sources of motivation owed with with child(p)er energy or vigour. (Lewin, 1948b)To a large extent, his interests and beliefs stemmed from his background as a German Jew. Lewin was born in 1890 and, for a Jew growing up in Germany, at this time, ofcially-approved anti-Semitism was a fact of life. Few Jews could expect to achieve a responsible post in the civilised service or universities. Despite this, Lewin was awarded a doctorate at the University of Ber lin in 1916 and went on to teach on that point. though he was never awarded tenured status, Lewin achieved a growing international reputation in the 1920s as a leader in his eld (Lewin, 1992). However, with the rise of the Nazi Party, Lewin recognized that the position of Jews in Germany wasincreasingly threatened. The election of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 was the nal straw for him he resigned from the University and moved to America (Marrow, 1969).In America, Lewin lay down a job rst as a refugee scholar at Cornell University and then, from 1935 to 1945, at the University of Iowa. Here he was to get in on an ambitious programme of research which covered topics such as child-parent relations, conict in marriage, styles of leadership, worker motivation and performance, conict in industry, group problem-solving, communication and attitude change, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-racism, discrimination and harm, integration-segregation, peace, war and poverty (Bargal et al., 1992 Ca rtwright, 1952 Lewin, 1948a). As Cooke (1999) notes, given the prevalence of racism and antiSemitism in America at the time, much of this work, especially his increasingly everyday advocacy in support of disadvantaged groups, put Lewin on the political left.During the years of the Second World War, Lewin did much work for the American war effort. This included studies of the morale of front-line troops and psychological warfare, and his famous study aimed at persuading American housewives to buy cheaper cuts of meat (Lewin, 1943a Marrow, 1969). He was to a fault much in demand as a speaker on minority and inter-group relations Kurt Lewin 979 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004(Smith, 2001). These activities chimed with one of his central preoccupations, which was how Germanys disdainful and racist run short could be replaced with one imbued with democratic values. He saw democracy, and the spread of democratic values throughout society, as the central bastion against authoritarianism and despotism. That he viewed the establishment of democracy as a major task, and avoided simplistic and structural recipes, can be gleaned from the following extracts from his article on The special cutting of Germany (Lewin, 1943b)Nazi culture . . . is deeply rooted, particularly in the youth on whom the . . . future depends. It is a culture which is centred around power as the supreme value and which denounces justice and equality . . . (p. 43) To bestable, a heathenish change has to penetrate all aspects of a nations life. The change must, in short, be a change in the cultural atmosphere, not merely a change of a single item. (p. 46)Change in culture requires the change of leadership forms in every walk of life. At the start, particularly alpha is leadership in those social areas which are fundamental from the point of view of power. (p. 55)With the end of the War, Lewin established the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the Massachusetts establish of Technology. The aim of the Center was to investigate all aspects of group behaviour, especially how it could be changed. At the same time, he was excessively chief architect of the charge on Community Interrelations (CCI). Founded and funded by the American Jewish Congress, its aim was the eradication of discrimination against all minority groups. As Lewin wrote at the time, We Jews will have to ght for ourselves and we will do so strongly and with good conscience. We too know that the ght of the Jews is part of the ght of all minorities for democratic equality of rights and opportunities . . . (quoted in Marrow, 1969, p. 175). In pursuing this objective, Lewin believed that his work on Group Dynamics and Action Research would provide the key tools for the CCI.Lewin was also inuential in establishing the Tavistock Institute in the UK and its Journal, Human Relations ( Jaques, 1998 Marrow, 1969). In addition, in 1946, the Connecticut State Inter-Racial Commission asked Lewin to help give lessons lea ders and conduct research on the most effective means of combating racial and religious prejudice in communities. This led to the development of sensitivity training and the creation, in 1947, of the now famous National fosterage Laboratories. However, his huge workload took its toll on his health, and on 11 February 1947 he died of a heart bang (Lewin, 1992).980 B. Burnes Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004LEWINS WORKLewin was a humanitarian who believed that only by resolving social conict, whether it be religious, racial, marital or industrial, could the human condition be improved. Lewin believed that the key to resolving socialconict was to facilitate learning and so enable individuals to understand and restructure their perceptions of the world around them. In this he was much inuenced by the Gestalt psychologists he had worked with in Berlin (Smith, 2001). A unifying theme of much of his work is the view that . . . the group to which an individual belongs is the ground for his pe rceptions, his intentings and his actions (Allport, 1948, p. vii).Though plain stitch Theory, Group Dynamics, Action Research and the 3-Step model of change are often treated as separate themes of his work, Lewin saw them as a unied whole with each element supporting and reinforcing the others and all of them demand to understand and bring about Planned change, whether it be at the level of the individual, group, organization or even society (Bargal and Bar, 1992 Kippenberger, 1998a, 1998b Smith, 2001). As Allport (1948, p. ix) states All of his concepts, any(prenominal) root-metaphor they employ, comprise a single wellintegrated system. This can be seen from examining these four aspects of his work in turn.Field TheoryThis is an approach to understanding group behaviour by trying to map out the substance and complexity of the eld in which the behaviour takes place (Back, 1992). Lewin maintained that to understand any situation it was necessary that One should view the present s ituation the status quo as being maintained by true conditions or magnates (Lewin, 1943a, p. 172). Lewin (1947b) postulated that group behaviour is an intricate set of symbolic interactions and forces that not only affect group structures, but also modify individual behaviour. Therefore, individual behaviour is a function of the group environs or eld, as he termed it. Consequently, any changes in behaviour stem from changes, be they small or large, in the forces within the eld (Lewin, 1947a).Lewin dened a eld as a totality of coexisting facts which are conceived of as mutually interdependent . . . (Lewin, 1946, p. 240). Lewin believed that a eld was in a continuous state of adaptation and that Change and constancy are relative concepts group life is never without change, merely differences in the substance and type of change exist (Lewin, 1947a, p. 199). This is why Lewin used the term quasi-stationary equilibrium to indicate that whilst there might be a rhythm and pattern to the behaviour and regalees of a group, these tendedto uctuate constantly owing to changes in the forces or circumstances that impinge on the group.Lewins view was that if one could identify, plot and establish the potential difference of these forces, then it would be possible not only to understand why individuals, Kurt Lewin 981 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004groups and organizations act as they do, but also what forces would need to be diminished or strengthened in order to bring about change. In the main, Lewin saw behavioural change as a slow process however, he did recognize that under certain circumstances, such as a personal, organizational or societal crisis, the heterogeneous forces in the eld can shift quickly and radically. In such situations, established routines and behaviours break down and the status quo is no longer viable new patterns of activity can rapidly emerge and a new equilibrium (or quasistationary equilibrium) is formed (Kippenberger, 1998a Lewin, 1947a) . Despite its obvious value as a vehicle for understanding and changing group behaviour, with Lewins death, the general interest in Field Theory waned (Back, 1992 Gold, 1992 Hendry, 1996).However, in new-fangled years, with the work of Argyris (1990) and Hirschhorn (1988) on understanding and overcoming resistance to change, Lewins work on Field Theory has once again begun to attract interest. According to Hendry (1996), even critics of Lewins work have drawn on Field Theory to develop their own models of change (see Pettigrew et al., 1989, 1992). Indeed, parallels have even been drawn between Lewins work and the work of complexity theorists (Kippenberger, 1998a). Back (1992), for example, argued that the formulation and behaviour of complex systems as described by madhouse and Catastrophe theorists bear striking similarities to Lewins conceptualization of Field Theory. Nevertheless, Field Theory is now plausibly the least understood element of Lewins work, yet, because of its po tential to map the forces impinging on an individual, group or organization, it underpinned the other elements of his work.Group Dynamicsthe word dynamics . . . comes from a Greek word meaning force . . . group . . . dynamics refers to the forces operating in groups . . . it is astudy of these forces what gives rise to them, what conditions modify them, what consequences they have, etc. (Cartwright, 1951, p. 382)Lewin was the rst psychologist to write about group dynamics and the importance of the group in shaping the behaviour of its members (Allport, 1948 Bargal et al., 1992). Indeed, Lewins (1939, p. 165) denition of a group is still generally accepted . . . it is not the similarity or dissimilarity of individuals that constitutes a group, but interdependence of fate. As Kippenberger (1998a) notes, Lewin was addressing two questions What is it about the nature and characteristics of a particular group which causes it to suffice (behave) as it does to the forces which impinge on it, and how can these forces be changed in order to elicit a more than desirable form of behaviour? It was to address these questions that Lewin began to develop the concept of Group Dynamics.Group Dynamics stresses that group behaviour, rather than that of individuals, should be the main focus of change (Bernstein, 1968 Dent and Goldberg, 1999). Lewin (1947b) maintained that it is fruitless to concentrate on changing the behaviour of individuals because the individual in isolation is constrained by group pressures to conform. Consequently, the focus of change must be at the group level and should concentrate on factors such as group norms, roles, interactions and socialization processes to create disequilibrium and change (Schein, 1988).Lewins pioneering work on Group Dynamics not only laid the foundations for our understanding of groups (Cooke, 1999 Dent and Goldberg, 1999 French and Bell, 1984 Marrow, 1969 Schein, 1988) but has also been linked to complexity theories by research ers examining self-organizing theory and non-linear systems (Tschacher and Brunner, 1995). However, understanding the internal dynamics of a group is not sufcient by itself to bring about change. Lewin also recognized the need to provide a process whereby the members could be engaged in and committed to changing their behaviour. This led Lewin to develop Action Research and the 3-Step model of change.Action ResearchThis term was coined by Lewin (1946) in an article entitled Action research and minority problems. Lewin stated in the articleIn the last year and a half I have had occasion to have contact with a great variety of organizations, institutions, and individuals who came for help in the eld of group relations. (Lewin, 1946, p. 201)However, though these people exhibited . . .a great amount of good-will, of readiness to face the problem squarely and . . . really do something about it . . . These eager people feel themselves to be in a fog. They feel in a fog on three counts 1. What is the present situation? 2. What are the dangers? 3. And most importantly of all, what shall we do? (Lewin, 1946, p. 201)Lewin conceived of Action Research as a two-pronged process which would allow groups to address these three questions. Firstly, it emphasizes that change requires action, and is directed at achieving this. Secondly, it recognizes that successful action is based on analysing the situation correctly, identifying all the possible alternative solutions and choosing the one most appropriate to the situation at devote (Bennett, 1983). To be successful, though, there has also to be a felt-need. FeltKurt Lewin 983 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004need is an individuals inner recognition that change is necessary. If felt-need is low in the group or organization, introducing change becomes problematic. The theoretical foundations of Action Research lie in Gestalt psychology, which stresses that change can only successfully be achieved by helping individuals to reect on and gain new insights into the totality of their situation.Lewin (1946, p. 206) stated that Action Research . . . proceeds in a spiral of steps each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action, and fact-nding about the results of the action. It is an iterative process whereby research leads to action and action leads to evaluation and further research. As Schein (1996, p. 64) comments, it was Lewins view that . . . one cannot understand an organization without trying to change it . . . Indeed, Lewins view was very much that the understanding and learning which this process produces for the individuals and groups pertain, which then feeds into changedbehaviour, is more important than any resulting change as such (Lewin, 1946).To this end, Action Research draws on Lewins work on Field Theory to identify the forces that focus on the group to which the individual belongs. It also draws on Group Dynamics to understand why group members behave in the way they do when subjected to these forces. Lewin stressed that the routines and patterns of behaviour in a group are more than just the outcome of contend forces in a forceeld. They have a value in themselves and have a unequivocal role to play in enforcing group norms (Lewin, 1947a). Action Research stresses that for change to be effective, it must take place at the group level, and must be a participative and collaborative process which involves all of those concerned (Allport, 1948 Bargal et al., 1992 French and Bell, 1984 Lewin, 1947b).
Monday, April 15, 2019
Example Lay Out of School Paper Essay Example for Free
Example Lay Out of enlighten Paper EssayIt has been 5 years since the School of Education (SOE) tasted the sweetness of pride wearing the crown of throw WVSU-LC. And now Miss Rita Marie Penado got it again for the SOE last phratry 21, 2012 when she pop outshined the three another(prenominal) competitors from the three departments/ teach.Miss Penado, a source cartridge holderkeeper for the scalawagant exit represent the campus to Miss WVSU 2013 during the University Week Celebration scheduled on January 2013 at chief(prenominal) Campus Lapaz Iloilo City.During the local pageant, Penado received chela awards on Miss Photogenic, Most Popularity, Best in Talent, and Best in Interview. Mr. James Paren of BSED-IV escorted Miss Penado to the contest and consequently won the title of First runner Up with extra awards on Best in Talent and Mr. Popularity.Representative from the School of Technology Mr. Ricky Javana was crowned Mr. WVSU-LC 2012 with the following minor awards Mr . Photogenic, Best in Formal Wear, and Best in Interview.Other contenders were Miss Jessa Horlador from the School of Technology, First Runner Up Miss Beverly Lubas and Mr. Mark Anthony Espadon from the School of Criminology, Second Runner Up and Mr. Raymond John Tiu and Miss Jerelyn Lomitillo from the School of Management, Third Runner Up.Hinampang 2012By April Lyn Geti-ayon Christine Joy V onlyejoWest Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus extended their annual University Hinampang last September 13-15, 2012. The activity was participated by the schools which are segregated into four energetic and competing units Unit 1-Torch (school of rearing), Unit 2-Pheonix (school of Technology), Unit 3-Eagles (school of Criminology) and Unit 4-Lions (school of management). This three days celebration had started with the parade of the faculty and staff and the different schools, organizations,and clubs. The opening program was highlighted with the inspire dance competition sponsored by the cultural affairs wherein the Unit 4-Lions (school of Management) bagged the trophy of championship for the years cheer dance competition. Hinampang 2012 activity aims to intensify the hidden skills, talents and abilities of every student as well as to strengthen their good sportsmanship among other students.EditorialK12 for GlobalizationBy Hazel HabladorAfter considering various proposals, K12 broadcast finally took its step towards sphericalization. Officially, the implementation of this program had started this School Year 2012-2013. Despite of the piddlingcomings such as escape of school facilities, mannequinrooms, and instructors, the government believes that Philippine Education needs this program in order to decongest and enhance the elementary education curriculum and provide better quality education for all which is the demand in the global market. The model that is currently proposed by the Dep-Ed is the K-6-4-2 Model. This model embroils Kindergarten, six years o f elementary education, four years minor(postnominal) high school (grades 7-10), and two years ripened high school (grades 11-12). The two years senior high school anticipates running time for students to consolidate acquired academic skills competencies.With the help of k12, we can show the military man that we can compete glo puffinessy. Upshot to this are accelerated economic growth, mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries and positive overall impact on society. This is the best step that the government had imposed for the advancement of all. Let us always remember that whatever changes that may happen in the education dodging of our country, it is until now part of our learning. We honourable need to follow and widen our fruitage of knowledge so that whatever go road we may take, at the end, the road we have taken is still peaceful and bountiful. This is the change that will bring us to a new life and will make us competent to other countries.The BSED IIIJefhrey Canopin Janine Marie PamaMarven Losaria April Lyn Geti-ayonHarold Quimba Christine Joy VallejoHazel Hablador April LasangreAnthea Lebanan Richen LindresKrizzan Jade Jumilla Jenalyn GonzagaMhay Lauron April Rose LindongAnna Rose SolerEssays.The Joy of Triumph(A simple sing to a Queen)By Jenalyn Gonzaga and April Rose LindongIt was early in the morning of October 5, 2012 when I was walking along the corridor to string up the Worlds Teachers Day I met the reigning queen of WVSU-LC 2012. In a far outer space I spotted the exotic beauty of Rita Marie Penado so I turned my way just to assume her. The crowned queen was very approachable and kind hearted so I invited her for a short piffle. howdy Miss Rita can I carry you a favor?Yes what is it?I just want to ask you round the pageant.What did you intent w2hen you were crowned as Miss WVSU-LC? Rita replied with a sweet smile on her face well, when I was crowned as Miss WVSU-LC 2012, I couldnt exactly explain what my scent was. It was unexplainable happiness. My tears run down my eyes tears of joy. Likewise, I felt proud of my school. I didnt expect of winning the crown besides I did. Its because I trust God. shrieking thats great What are your preparations before the grand pageant? Actually, Im not lively like the other candidates.All I did was set my mind for the pageant, a little bit of employ and pray for Gods guidance during the pageant. Thats all, nothing less, nothing more. Really? What do you feel when you are walking on stage? Definitely, I wasnervous, so nervous that I couldnt stem nor looked straight to the judges as well as the audiences. I imagined a crowd was looking at me. Oh My Gosh That was my first time to join a pageant. I thought of stepping back, but never did me. The worst about it was Im not even expecting to win the crown. Rita told me with open heart.To be continued on page ..4AGONY OF DEFEATBy Richen Lindres and Anthea LebananAfter such tremendous victory winning the cheerdance competition it is affect to say the least. Suddenly we are presented with a series of failure that stands and striking contrast for the wonderful exulting of the past two years. How instructive this if we only have the ears to listen to the message of this the thrill of victory was so quickly replaced by the excruciation of defeat. This is the story of defeat. This the story of life and something we must learn to debate within our daily walk. One minute, we can be living in victory and next is defeat. The tin whistle blew. It was all over. The long practices and severe biz, all the running and training, all the tough and shooting, all the pasta parties and can papering, everything. Over, ended, make. Why? Because the whistle had blown.as one team run withdraw the field for joy and excitement, the other walked off in utter disappointment . as one side cheered, the other cried. The opposing team had left, the crowds had cleared, but our team jus t sat at our bench, looking, staring, and glaring at the empty field mud patches and lacerate up grass everywhere.Poster everywhere, some hug high on the windows and some still fearless on walls while others hung by a thread , others were just thrown to the ground by one-lookers and still more hung on fences wishing, wanting, hoping, for nothing but for the best of the team. Everyone stood, sat, laid looking at the field in amazing filled with disappointment, anger and sadness all the same time, trying to comprehend how everything they had worked so hard for had come to an end so quickly.Put to an end by the blow of the whistle. Thinking back to all the perfect opportunities..missed, all the unlucky touches or unconnected passed wondering what would have happenedif one thing had been done differently. Tears, hugs, words, it was all enough it all meant nothing. It wasnt supposed to end like this, and yet, with the final whistle, it did. Everyone now is experiencing the agony of def eat. Some days when they are sitting in class, staring out the window, at the field, they remember, they wonder, they wish, they push it out of their minds, still experiencing the agony of defeat. Sportsand others.EAGLES BEATS THE TORCHESBy Janine Marie Pama and Ana Rose SolerJoy of triumph.So will you freehearted share to us some beauty tips in order to maintain our beauty and body. hahahaha Rita gave a short laugh. to tell you frankly, I never expected that question. Well, to maintain your beauty and body simply relax, eat evenhandedly with healthy foods, be stress free and most of all smile, all out smile and the initiation will smile at you. Thanks Rita. It was a pleasure to have a talk with you.Rita just gave a big hahahahahahahahhahaWe exchanged laughter together. It was a great moment for me to have a chat with the reigning queen.Despite of the rain and muddy field, Eagles (School of Criminology) made it to the top when they smashed down the Torches (School of Education) during the championship game of football women last September 15, 2012. The Eagles beat down the torches with the score of 1-0 on the first half. Another ball was made to goal on the second half score of Eagles. The game ended with the tally of 2-0.Lions Roared and low-spirited the EaglesBy Harold Quimba and April LasangreOn the hotness of the game, the management lions made it to the champ and whitewashed the Criminology Eagles during the University Hinampang, championship game volleyball boys held September 15,2012. The ball spin and hit down the players of the Eagles as the Lions made the crushing spikes onthe first quarter. Another winning score had made the game hotter as they tally tie on the inwardness of the game. The last quarter had ended scored to the lions-23-25.Experience of an plan teacherBy Mhay L. LauronAmbition is part and software program of everyones life. It serves as a guiding star that lights our way to triumph. I never expected to be future teacher someda y, but as time passes by, the feeling of being a future pedagogue someday had eventually embraced me I grew up in a poor family, my father was a farmer and we are 10 in the family. I know the situation that we have during that time. I was the youngest but still the faith that I have in my heart is to help my parents in return of their sacrifices that they had. It is the farthest school which is 12- 14 kilometers walking distance from our house. For me this was only a start of my life. The next level of my life in school was totally a great sacrifice.It is now my college life. There are times in that I am about to cry because the boredom and longing for my family. I had to be strong and forget the solitariness instead I focused on my studies. As an aspiring teacher, I worked hard for it. All my tenor and sacrifices resulted in a reward. This is now the time that 6months from now I am about to graduate in this university. West Visayas State University- Lambunao Campus. I guess ther es always a first time for everything no matter how old we are. For the last semester a series of First followed* This was my first to handle a class with heterogeneous pupils. * First time to experience a pupil that urinated and eliminated his waste while the class was going on. * First time to have a pupil who goes home in tears without any(prenominal) reason at all. * Lastly , I had for the first time a parent scolded me for making her pincer upset because I scolded him for being absent in my class and teasing his other classmates to make flutter inside the classroom. Based on my own experiences, I learned a lot of things after the OJT and it rattling transforms me to a new creature. Well I guess this was the most essential part of being an aspiring teacher. To exploreand to adjust what is going on in our new environment. That is a specialty of a teacher that no one could ever had. Lastly, I would say that poverty is not an obstacle to higher education but a mere challenge to fight for a professional survival and achieve your dreams in your most noble way
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Antebellum America Essay Example for Free
Antebellum the States leavenRegions are specializing The period of time in America before the civil war proved to establish out the specialties in each region. The West brought America true farming and allowed livestock to succeed. The eastern deduct of America prevailed in industrialization, creating many another(prenominal) cities and businesses. The southern part of the United States was the dominated by sla precise, plantains, and growing cotton. America had many skills only when these endowments were not mixed well, and each region had its very own specialty. The west began expanding at an extremely fast rate, and the best use for the land as to provide food for America.Livestock began to tell apart over the West, and helped providing America with many animals. The west looked to provide for America by growing plants, due to the very fertile soil. The west quickly became known as the nations breadbasket. The sold animals and crops to America, and this westward expans ion developed a talents that America craved. The west played a role in the antebellum period of America, but didnt nearly touch the relationship issues between the east and south. The northeastern states of America were advancing in their talent of industry.Textile mills flourished and business became widely known in the east of the Unites States. The east contained eighty-one portion of Americas industrial capacity, and this specialization of industry continued in antebellum America. The big industry, business, and many opportunities brought many large number to the north east. As a result, many families and people came to start a business of their own. The northeast gained many supporters due to its business attraction, an important factor in the nearby Civil War. This industry sparked a talent in America that only the east could accomplish.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Reading Summary of Eric Abrahamson and Gregory Fairchilds Management Fashion Essay Example for Free
Reading abbreviation of Eric Abrahamson and Gregory Fairchilds Management Fashion EssayThesis While most fads in steering technique atomic number 18 short-lived some techniques become institutionalized and evolve and are re signifierd to fits current fashions. Exogenous and endogenous forces shape the demand for management- knowledge entrepreneurs to constantly reshape and redefine rational management processes. Evidence Abrahamson and Fairchilds study yielded findings that suspensor contextualize the concept of management fashion. Lifecycles of a management techniques typically follow a short-lived, bell-shaped, symmetric popularity curve.Positive feedback on management techniques increases the discourse promoting that technique, making it more diffuse across organizations. Exogenous forces facilitate or restrict fashion niches and endogenous maintain niches. Superstitious learning suggests that managers seek to find instant-results and cure-all solutions for their manage ment approach, move by emotion rather than detailed studies. Whereas real-learning constitutes careful planning and evaluation of ideas to produce an effective management technique. LimitationsAbrahamson and Fairchild articulate the negative aspects of constant transience -temporal instability and cross-sectional diversity- but fail to indicate the cause these management fashions have on the institutions in which they are implemented. Do shifting management techniques stunt institution growth, do changing techniques disrupt the markets for the products of these institutions? Questions (1) What causes certain management practices to become institutionalized while others are save passing fads? (2) Are the results of superstitious-learning or real-learning more likely to be adopted? Which is more effective?
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Apples Organisation Learning Essay Example for Free
orchard apple trees Organisation Learning EssayThis wallpaper is the report of the research done on apple as a learning brass section, the purpose of the subsidisation is to understand how you can identify the organization which learns, what their business is, and map out their learning cycle. Other objectives of the researchers atomic number 18 to understand how learning theories are applied in real world and to identify which theory is roughly suitable for Apples learning style. 1. Introduction This paper discuss about learning organizations, the display case subject for this paper is Apple computer. The purpose of this study is to understand the real example of learning organization and to clarify the organizations which are flexible and adaptive from rigid organizations, this clarification help one to understand the advantages and disadvantages of organisational learning. Furthermore while doing this research one will learn how to do company analysis, and make a compan y compose which is vital for every organizations to have one. Also we will look at how Apple is implementing organizational learning, assess it, and what are other strategies Apple uses to implement and maintain organizational learning.Company profile Background Apple, founded in 1976 by Steven P. Jobs and Steve Wozniak, is the worlds largest technology company in terms of commercialize capitalization, taking the lead from its long-time rival Microsoft in 2010. Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs had been friends in high school, they had twain been interested in electronics, and both had been perceived as outsiders. They kept in touch after graduation, and both ended up displace out of school and getting jobs working for companies in Silicon Valley, Woz for Hewlett-Packard, and Jobs for Atari.Wozniak had been dabbling in computer-design for some time when, in 1976, he designed what would become the Apple I. Jobs, who had an eye for the future, insisted that he and Wozniak try to sel l the machine, and on April 1, 1976, Apple Computer was born. Sculley became the de facto head of Apple in May 1985. Over the next few months, Apple was compel to lay off a fifth of its work force, some 1,200 employees. The company also posted its first quarterly loss. All this
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Internet Mental Health Issues Essay Example for Free
Internet Mental Health Issues EssayMental wellness services conducted on the Internet have been described as e-therapy, online counseling, e -mail therapy, Internet-based therapy, and similar terminology. Online therapy services may be provided as an adjunct to more traditional forms of cordial health treatment, or may be initiated without any offline stir between the therapist and client. Currently, there argon a variety of websites providing links and information regarding online therapy. As I was reading about benefits and risks in using internet as a source for mental health services, I realized that there be a lot of factors that move in it a controversial issue. at that place ar many pro and con to its benefits. Some Pros are the convenience of a client, Flexibility in scheduling, Anonymous and private, Access to those with physical disabilities emotionally safe environment on of my biggest issues is making function of the time-delay (email) to dissemble on issues. Appeal to those who are shy, uncomfortable with face-to-face treatment and make them feel more those who are shy more comfortable. Some disadvantages are Privacy, security and privilege cannot be guaranteed, Lack of patient skills to use the Absence of face-to-face therapy kindred, Lack of behavioral cues may lead to problems in treatment and most importantly is Urgent, crises, or suicidal issues may not receive immediate and appropriate attention.I work in a Community clinic where we offer many treatments one of them is therapy also. As I came across this assignment I ask one of our doctors what they believed. One of the doctors sends in miner cases it could be useful as long as is a well program with credentials and the issues are not really serious. At this time we are transitioning from paper charts to computers so most of the time there sitting in front of the computer type away while the patient is speaking.It made me realized that in a way internet and mental services are becoming more and more essential for eachother. When I was reading the website for American Psychological Association it provided me the ethics they have to fallow when they provide service public advice or commentary via print, Internet or other electronic transmission, they take precautions to ensure that statements (1) are based on their skipper knowledge, training or experience in accord with appropriate psychological literature and practice (2) are otherwise consistent with this Ethics Code and (3) do not indicate that a professional relationship has been established with the recipient.I believe in conclusion we could benefit from these services as long as we are really aware that they are legit and trustworthy. In my case I believe sometimes I could benefit from therapy but simply have no time. One of the reasons I choose online schooling. Definitely I would use these services and give it a try. There are programs offer here in calcium that can help you as a guide to search for help. The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) would like to make the following recommendations to California consumers who choose to seek therapy or counseling over the Internet.Individuals, who provide psychotherapy or counseling, either in person, by telephone, or over the Internet, are inevitable by law to be licensed. Licensing requirements vary by state. Individuals who provide psychotherapy or counseling to persons in California are required to be licensed in California. Such licensure permits the consumer to pursue recourse against the licensee should the consumer believe that the licensee engaged in amateurish conduct.References1. National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics Retrieved From https//www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/default.asp2. American Psychological Association honorable Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Retrieved From http//www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx3. The Branch Journal of Psychiatry Dr. John Powell Internet information-se eking in mental health Sept 2006 retrieved from http//bjp.rcpsych.org/content/189/3/273.short4. Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Behavioral Sciences Consumer data Regarding Online Psychotherapy Retrieved From http//www.bbs.ca.gov/consumer/consumer_psych_online.shtml
Monday, April 8, 2019
Fast Food Nation Essay Example for Free
Fast Food Nation EssayThe idea of loyal pabulum has been around since beforehand the 1920s. However, the real emergence of the industry was not until the late 1940s following the Second World War. multitude based towns were desolate during the war. Once the war was over, there were mevery more mouths to feed and more places to cast off restaurant franchises. This coupled with the passing of Eisenhowers Interstate Highway Act and the sheer drive of abstain forage pioneers allowed franchising to be very successful. masses were able to present their new cars on the highway and take in convenient off-ramps to speedee service restaurants (Schlosser, 20).Ray Kroc, nameer of the McDonalds corporation, has throwd a revolutionary franchise that has become a supporthold name all over the world. there atomic number 18 many theories on how this and other steady nourishment corporations travel byed such success. One of the major reasons is the strategic segmentation of the human race groups of people get to been targeted as prime consumers of exuberant aliment. To consume, by definition, is to purchase goods for ones own desires. The unwavering food industry has become just that, a desire to people of all statuses in society.In Eric Schlossers Fast Food Nation, the impact that the steadfast food industry has on children, p arnts and the foreign population as consumers is arguably detrimental in its use for economic success. The fast food industry targets many demographic groups in our society. Children are subjected to the billion dollar advertising campaigns that fast food restaurants create. Kids are enticed to purchase fast food before they tin even earn money. This is where the industry makes their killing by advertising to vernal children, parents are pressured to buy goods from the fast food restaurants.Its not just getting kids to whine. Its near giving them a specific reason to ask for the product (Schlosser, 43). Although it is not t he children specifically giving the shatter money for products, they have the tremendous power of leverage with their parents. Starting with a broad look the restaurants themselves frequently times have a play area for children, McDonalds being most notable for this. They create characters, such as Ronald McDonald and friends, to make kids feel like they are in a fun house or that the restaurant truly cares about each child.Taco bells chihuahua was a dodgy puppy for kids to love as well (Schlosser, 43). Kids meals in most fast food places are served with toys to play with. Fast food corporations began the process of synergy they were signing with other major businesses to pose popular toys in their meals. For example, Wendys signed with NCAA for action figures, McDonalds signed with Ty for Beanie Babies and Pokemon cards (Schlosser, 47). When children found competition with other children to get the next toy first, there was a reason to come spur to that restaurant.Even the co lor scheme on the packaging the meals come in is bright and exciting. Why would any child say no? The parents of these children and teens are also affected by the fast food industry. As previously mentioned, children pressure their parents to buy goods from fast food imprisonment. Parents consume these goods for themselves but also represent their children, which makes up an entirely different consumer group. Fast food caters to those parents who are short on time, money or both. Parents who action long or unusual hours can count on a nearby fast food restaurant being open at all hours.Even when families are constantly on the move, a drive-thru is a quick and easier way to eat than making a meal at home or sitting down in a restaurant. In addition, parents who struggle with every penny they have can buy their family meals for a fraction of alternative options. McDonalds company historian says, Working-class families could now put up with to feed their kids restaurant food (Schlos ser, 20). Parents want to give their children the best being financially able to take them to restaurants is a value that could now easily be attained with the emergence of the fast-food industry.Fast food handcuffs have expanded beyond American borders for potential growth. McDonalds alone has over seventeen thousand restaurants in over 120 countries globally. That number does not include KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King or Dominos Pizza. They all receive a majority of their profit through overseas markets. Fast food chains symbolize Western economies and therefore, seen as the channel to economic prosperity in countries that are struggling (Schlosser, 229). Natives of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and countless other nations literally lined up for hours outside of brand new fast food franchises to purchase American food (Schlosser, 230).The billionaire responsible for bringing McDonalds to Japan went as far as saying that eating their hamburgers would make them white, blonde and taller in sta ture (Schlosser, 231). The campaign to Americanize the world is more overwhelming now with people in every corner of the globe spending their money on American fast food. The saying you are what you eat is heavily campaigned outside of the United States. People are consuming KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut and McDonalds food in hopes to become more like Americans. aft(prenominal) reading Fast Food Nation and analyzing this specific aspect of the fast food industry, I am able to form my own opinion. My first and foremost reaction to all of this is about health issues. on that point is a huge problem with feeding children food that is lacking in the nutrients necessary to grow and reach their highest potential in the future. Parents are feeding their children fast food but what were they parents fed as children? There was a lot more emphasis on home-cooked meals and the family sitting down for dinner every iniquity back when todays parents were growing up.Children are drinking sodas, ea ting processed hamburgers and other sebaceous foods without any previous knowledge to make that decision. They are not taught about nutrition and what they are in reality putting in their bodies before nagging their parents to get the latest toy in a euphoric meal, as an example. The most important years in a persons life should be sustained with the best nutrients possible. I know that personally, my mother cooked a majority of my meals growing up and having fast food was a treat. Now I can make educated decisions on what foods to consume.I bring forward that anything in moderation is acceptable it is the families that get a different fast food meal iv or five times a week that concern me. Along the same lines, parents are not setting the right examples for their children when they stop at the local drive-thru to grab dinner. There must be a balance between stimulating economies and sustaining healthy lives of all ages. In Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser describes children, p arents and people hold outside of American borders as targeted consumers by the fast-food industry.Kids are subjected to advertisements and several other ploys so that they will drag their parents to buy them products from fast-food restaurants. Because they are such a large influence on the consumption of fast food, they are directly targeted as consumers. The parents are affected both indirectly and directly as consumers they consume fast food for themselves and their children. Fast-food chains have made it convenient for parents who work atypical hours and those who cannot afford other meal options.With the success of the fast-food industry in America, corporations have moved their efforts to international patrons. Fast food has become a major symbol of Western reinforcement and is highly desirable to many foreign nations. The consumers love of fast food proves economic success, but does it show success in other aspects of human life? People have become so accustomed to purcha sing fast-food meals that the entire standard of nutrition and healthy living has gone down we truly are a fast food nation.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Egypt and the Nile Essay Example for Free
Egypt and the Nile EssayThe ancient Egyptians were polytheistic. They believed in over hotshot thousand gods. Ancient Egypt was a highly agricultural society. But the land received almost no rainfall annually. Thanks to the River Nile, Egyptians had a steady source of water. The seasonal floods were highly predictable and made Egypt into a major agricultural empire. Ancient Egyptians were adept of the earliest civilizations to practice large scale agriculture. To properly example the river Nile, the Egyptians created their own irrigation system which helped to expand the empire. As the civilization flourished, so did its people and culture. The Nile was inspiration for the Egyptian religion and culture. Most of the Egyptian crafts follow a strict cannon. Usually the subjects of Egyptian art are Gods and Pharaohs. The Pharaohs were considered as gods themselves. The Egyptians worshipped their gods with so much passion. They believed that they could achieve immortality and be l ike gods themselves. Prominent Egyptians had tombs and they were embalmed. The luggage compartment was mummified and the tomb contained items that the mummy would need in the afterlife.Some pharaohs tombs even contained large ships so that he could sales event in the Nile for eternity. The Egyptian deep-set relief of the God Horus, showcased in the Menil Collection displays the use of some(prenominal) various techniques used in ancient Egyptian Art. This sculpture can be compared to other Egyptian make believe like Tis hunt and also to the Greek cannon for building sculptures. The description reads The charming Horus, The great god, Lord of Heaven one who is foremost in Bahet possibly Edfu. This relief sculpture is presented by corporate trust both frontal and profile view of Horus.Most of the Egyptian arts created are in sunken relief. Usually the subjects of Egyptian art are Gods and Pharaohs. The Egyptians worshipped their gods with so much passion. Egyptian operatives r egularly unheeded the endless variations in the body types of real human beings. Painters and sculptors did not sketch their subjects from life but use a strict cannon, or system of proportions, to the human figure (Kleiner, 64). This method of drawing off lasted for centuries. Before drawing anything the Egyptians drew a grid on the wall.Then specific human body parts were determined in each of the squares. The height of the subject is already pre-determined. The Sculpture of Horus, from the Menil collection is dated to be from 1320 to 1200 BC. The nineteenth dynasty was in control during 1320 to 1200 B. C. The ancient Egyptians feared and adored their gods. They built huge temples and monuments to praise their gods. They aspired to become like their gods. The Egyptians valued to become immortal. This is why there is the embalming process when someone is buried. The statues built in burial chambers were for this reason. The artists aim was not to portray living figures, but to suggest the timeless nature of the mark statue that was designed to provide an eternal substitute home for the ka (Kleiner, 63). A look at scroll of Hu- Nefer illustrates what the Egyptians believed what would go past to a dead persons soul. At the left, Anubis, the jackal-headed god of embalming, leads Hu- Nefer into the hall of judgment. The god then adjusts the scales to turn over the dead mans heart against the feather of the goddess Maat, protectress of truth and right.A hybrid crocodile-hippopotamus-lion monster, Ammit devourer of the sinful, awaits the decision of the scales. If the slowness had been unfavorable to the deceased, the monster would render eaten his heart. The ibis-headed god Thoth records the proceedings. Above, the gods of the Egyptian pantheon are arranged as witnesses while Hu- Nefer kneels in adoration before them. Having been justified by the scales, Hu-Nefer is brought by Osiris son, the falcon headed god Horus, into the presence of the green set ab out Osiris and his sisters Isis and Nephthys to receive the award of eternal life (Kleiner, 77).All of the Egyptian art followed the Egyptian cannon. Even the sculptures followed this method. The statues of Pharaohs were buckram structures. The Pharaoh were all known to be patrons of art and built many monuments to please the gods. The sculpture of Horus was probably created for worshipping purposes too. looking at at the sphinxes can show us the further connection the ancient Egyptians had with the sentient beings. The sphinx is a statue that has the body of a lion and the head of a human being. This could mean that The Egyptians thought that human beings had the power to be beastlike and have the mind ability of a god.Looking at almost any of the artwork representing Egyptian gods, one can observe the deep connection Egyptians had with animals. The jackal was a representation of the god Anubis. Scholars believe that the jackal was associated with Anubis was because Anubis is th e god that opens the road to the afterlife, and jackals were seen to be roaming around the tombs and deserts. Almost every god that was worshiped was represented by an animal and these animals characteristics were then attributed to the god. Ancient Egypt was a place filled with culture.The Nile River contend a major role in building this civilization. With the Niles help, Egypt was able to flourish and become a large empire. Ancient Egyptian religion played a huge role in the making of the Egyptian art. Most of the art from this era was depicting of gods and pharaohs. The sunken relief of Horus shows the cannon used by ancient Egyptian artists. Egyptian culture and gods had a large impact on the artwork created during this era and the same culture dominated the area for several hundred years. Reference Kleiner,Fred. Gardners Art Through the Ages. Boston Wadsworth, 2011. Print.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Memento analysis Essay Example for Free
Memento analysis EssayThe constituentization that is going to be discussed is Memento. The theme of the plastic film is based on cognitive psychology that includes the realm of human perception, thought process and entrepot. Various cognitive responses such as memory, planning, as considerably as intelligence and problem work out are highlighted during the dustup of the word picture. The central character in the movie, Leonard Shelby, damages his genus Hippocampus, which subsequently affects his ability to make new memories.The hippocampus is a part of the brain that is important and responsible for creating and recalling memories, as a result of which Leonard has lost the ability to incur short- name memory. Leonard, in the movie is an insurance agent who through the course of the movie attempts to track his wifes killer and the man responsible for his current state. Leonards condition post accident and the terminal of his wife, can draw parallels with anterograde br ownout, beca usance he doesnt seem to remember new things, however he retains memories leading up to the accident.The movie Memento continues Hollywoods fascination with the psyche of the human principal and the genesis of movies based on amnesia is a recurring theme. While the movie does reasonably well in bringing to light the plight of people suffering from anterograde amnesia and similar neurologic disorders following brain trauma, it does offer enough loopholes to guarantee criticism from experts. Leonard believes that he does not have amnesia. This is a slight aberration from the true picture of a patient with anterograde amnesia because they do not seem to lose track of who they are and the condition they are suffering from.It can be argued that around patients with a more seething disease do offer a mixed profile, into which Leonards character can fit. Also, another diorama of cognition is the evidence, that Leonard is still capable of using his adjectival memory that i ncludes doing issue things and following certain procedures like driving a car. His declarative memory on the other dedicate is functional up to the point of his accident. Declarative/explicit memory is essentially conscious memory, while procedural memory is more of a subconscious or unconscious action that can be d cardinal.Additionally, with the hippocampus part of his brain being destroyed, Leonard is incapable of moving things from his short term memory to his long term memory, and thus forgets things if not written down or taken note of. Short-term memory lasts or stores items for less than 20 seconds, unless rehearsed. Thus, in order for him to remember things, and have enough time to write them down, he rehearses them, which allows him to remember them for a longer period of time, and if interrupted that memory is lost. This was portrayed very well in the movie when he hits Natalie.Natalie throws all of the writing utensils out and then hassles Leonard about his wife and his condition seek to get a reaction so she could in essence set Leonard up, and this she did accomplish. After hitting Natalie, she leaves the mob and Leonard rehearses what has just happened while looking for a writing utensil, however there are none to be found. Further, Natalie did not go anywhere when she left the house, she stays in the car and hence, when she slammed the door, purposely, Leonard stopped the story, and essentially forgot what he was doing, when she comes back into the house, Leonard has no recollection of hitting her.Thus, although his hand is sore, Leonard does not remember anything that had just occurred, this is due to a stop in rehearsal, and with nothing written for him, he cannot remember what has occurred recently. Leonard is perpetually prepared with something to write on, he always has his camera and his pictures that allow him to remember things in essence he keeps generating a working memory through out the course of the movie to catch the kille r.Thus, planning is somewhat prevalent in this movie however, although planning requires knowledge about the problem space, or understanding of the constraints of the problem space to mentally wee-wee it well, this is not always available to him. Thus, he is unable to use partial planning, because he did not always think of the outcome that might occur, such as when he killed Natalies boyfriend, and realized he was not the one responsible after he had done it, instead of thinking ahead, before he had done it.However, with his pictures he was able to get back to particular destinations, and with direction, even if simple, but written down, he was able to use them and plan ahead. Further, in relation to the make of Natalies boyfriend, counterfactuals were also used, and Leonard is trying to imagine past events differently than they really did and thus, he burnt the picture that he took of the event because that was the only recollection that he had of the situation. Furthermore, d rives, emotions, and problem solving are all clearly used in this movie as well.Drives, are generally associated with incarnate needs whereas emotions are generally associated with more complex personal and social needs, in this case finding the individual who caused Leonard so much pain by raping and murdering his wife, and damaging his memory is very important. In addition, heuristics were also commonly utilized and, heuristics undoubtedly allow individuals to avoid searching paths that are unlikely to lead to a solution, and this is exactly what Leonard is doing with all the facts he was collecting to narrow down the suspect to find out who attack and murdered his wife.Basically, by slowly collecting and putting together different facts about the rapist and murder of his wife, Leonard was emotionally driven to find the individual responsible for essentially ruining his life. His emotions and feelings of anger, sadness, and love were all bear on by his motivation and drives fr om the pain that was within him due to his present circumstance.In the movie, many of the cognitive aspects were relevantly presented and shown in a realistic manner however, at times in the movie, things that were not rehearsed or written were remembered, which at times did not allow for it to be fully realistic. This was evident when Dodd was involved, and in the closet and Leonard woke up, and proverb that there was a gun in the drawer of the hotel room and it was not his room or his gun, and so when Teddy got there he showed him the gun in the drawer, which probably would not have been remembered realistically.Thus, to improve, and make this aspect of his condition more realistic, not only at this point in the movie, but throughout the movie would have been for Leonard to actually rehearse things out loud, until he had written things down to clearly show that rehearsal is necessary for things not to be forgotten. 1 Cipolotti L, Bird CM. Amnesia and the hippocampus. Curr Opin Ne urol. 2006 Dec19(6)593-8. Review. 2 Mayes AR, Isaac CL, Holdstock JS, Cariga P, Gummer A, Roberts N. Long-term amnesia a review and detailed illustrative case study.Cortex.2003 Sep-Dec39(4-5)567-603. Review. 3 Kopelman MD. Disorders of memory. mind. 2002 Oct125(Pt 10)2152-90. Review. 4 Aggleton JP, Brown MW. Episodic memory, amnesia, and the hippocampal-anterior thalamic axis. Behav Brain Sci. 1999 Jun22(3)425-44 discussion 444-89. Review. 5 Mishkin M, Vargha-Khadem F, Gadian DG.Amnesia and the organization of the hippocampal system. Hippocampus. 19988(3)212-6. Review. 6 Tulving E, Markowitsch HJ. Episodic and declarative memory role of the hippocampus. Hippocampus. 19988(3)198-204. Review.
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